‘Our work is more important than ever’
‘Our work is more important than ever’
‘We are the guardians of nature’
‘We are the guardians of nature’
The goal: fair and decent work for all
The goal: fair and decent work for all

Welcome to akzente! We invite you to explore this website and gain insights into GIZ´s work worldwide, get to know fascinating people, and to learn about leading experts´ views on crucial topics in development cooperation.

Current Topics
Mark Robinson Knut Neerland

‘Our mission is relevant and valid’

Interview with Mark Robinson, Executive Director of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), an international organisation and GIZ partner that works against corruption in a highly profitable sector
Rashi Gupta Julian Rentzsch

‘We need more feminine energy’

Drei Fragen an Rashi Gupta, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Vision Mechatronics, einem führenden Unternehmen in den Bereichen Robotik, erneuerbare Energien und Energiespeicherung in Indien
Dirk Messner Susanne Kambor

‘Without digitalisation we cannot achieve the climate goals’

An interview with Professor Dirk Messner, President of the German Environment Agency, on climate action and digitalisation
Focus on climate change

The world of work

Great upheavals have a global impact on national economies and the world of work. An overview of some fascinating trends.
Andrea Nahles Sonja Och

‘It is essential that migration is fair!’

Interview with Andrea Nahles, Chair of the Executive Board of the German Federal Employment Agency, on skilled migration and the benefits it can have on all sides.
Partnering in Business with Germany 3st

A win-win for all

New markets, new partners, new horizons: Partnering in Business with Germany promotes business contacts between SMEs in developing countries and emerging economies and those in Germany.
The 17 Goals
SDG Farbenspektrum

Half-time for the Sustainable Development Goals – Julia Iversen explains where we stand and what this means for international cooperation

Frauen arbeiten auf einem Feld

Ralf Sanftenberg, Director of the Rural Development and Agriculture Division, talks about the mid-term review of SDG 2 and why he remains confident despite the challenges.

Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel

An interview with Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Chair of the GIZ Management Board, on the mid-term review of the 2030 Agenda.

Omar Alkadamani

Omar Alkadamani fled to Germany from Syria as a child. He knows exactly how important the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 ‘Quality education’ is – for him personally and for every country that strives for a better future.

Vier Männer auf dem Fahrrad nehmen ein Selfie auf.

Away from the major metropolitan areas of Latin America, one city in Colombia is leading the way to social and climate-friendly mobility with a free public bicycle share scheme that illustrates how the city is on the right track to achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities.

Strong women in the world of work
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